Category Archives: DEAR DIARY

new stuff of Bento&co!

Yesterday, new stuff of Bento&co arrived! I love this online shop! I’m blissfully happy!!

Bento&Co is an online shop who sells beautiful bento boxes and accessories related to the Japanese lunch boxes in particular, but also everything we find fun and useful from Japan.

Well, some of you know my love for Japan. I love the streets, the temples, people… I don’t know …. I love all of Japan! I’m a Japan-addict!

At the beginning of July I ordered some new stuff. I had ordered some stuff before and I’m very happy with the shop.

Well, I’d better keep my mouth shut and I’m going to show you my new stuff!!

I can’t wait to use all the articles that I have bought!

This time, I want to highlight the homemade fat-free potato chips. I love it! With Chips Maker, you can slice and cook potatoes and so that it turn out crisp and delicious, without using a drop of added fat!

See you on the next post!! 


Hello everybody! I’m here again… As I told you in the last post, I’ve been out for a few days. I’ve been in Avila, is a Spanish city located in Castile and Leon. The city is notable for having complete medieval city … Continua llegint

Random Thoughts #1

Hello everybody!

Long time no see you, but I had a lot of reasons (not excuses) to be absent. But I’m back!

A lot of things have happened since the last post, some personal issues, and sorry if I don’t explain them here. i have had sad and difficult moments, but seems that now it’s better. Hard moments make us stronger! 

Thanks to all who have written emails worrying about me! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!! 🙂

Now, I wanna share with you an annual event that makes me smile! Primavera Sound 2011.  Primavera Sound is an annual music festival which takes place in Barcelona in late May and, in some years, early June. (like this year). The festival is noted for its eclectic lineup, focus on independent music, and as a showcase for newly established international and domestic acts. The range of musical genres include alternative, indie, electronic, pop, hip hop, dance, folk, jazz, metal, and experimental music.

I have been the last years, and this year, more! I have an appointment with a lot of concerts, laughters and friends!

In the next posts, I shall explain it little by little the experience!


a break, feelings and tabbouleh.

Long time no see you! I’m sorry…

First of all, I was so sorry to miss this week’s What I Ate Wednesday. I was CRAZY busy and too stressed to take pictures of my boring on-the-run food . . . next week, I’ll be sure to share some extra special, glorious eats!

For several days, I was soooooooo depressed and disappointed in myself and with some people. I felt I had failed in achieving the “fresh start” I had so desperately wanted and needed.  I’ve been thinking about the behavior of some people, and if I am important in the lives of people who are important to me. I know, maybe this item is a little bit personal, but sometimes we need to share our feelings. But,… I started to look at things with a new vision, a new perspective.

Now, I feel much better.It’s been a week full of changes. Internal and external. I really needed it.

Well, I haven’t only been thinking these days. I also cooked. Pretty. 🙂 In the past, I have spoken of “The Kind Diet,” by Alicia Silverstone. It is a very important book for me. And I cooked some recipes that are listed in the book.

And here, one of them.

Kim’s Red Radish Tabbouleh

Serves 2.

  • 1/4 teaspoon fine sea salt.
  • 1 cup bulgur wheat
  • 3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
  • 2 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1/2 cup finely chopped fresh parsley
  • 2 scallions, white and green parts minced
  • 1/2 thinly sliced radishes
  • 1 carrots (I add it)

Bring 1/2 cups of water and the salt to a boil in a saucepan. Place the bulgur and boiling salted water in a heatproof bowl. Stir once, then cover the bowl with a plate and set aside until the grain has absorved all the water, about 20 to 30 minutes.

Stir in the lemon juice, oil, parsley, scallions, carrot and radishes and mix well. Add more lemon juice and salt to taste.

a night at the Japanese restaurant!

Yesterday, we celebrated the birthday of my husband. The meeting was in a Japanese Restaurant. It was a wonderful and funny night! A lot of friends, a lot of laughs and… a lot of food!

It wasn’t our first time at Sakura – the restaurant -. We knew this restaurant and we wanted to repeat with friends this time. And, we were right with the election. We had a private room with tatami. The service was very, very nice! And all the food was delicious! Well, all night along there were a lot of funny situations and I (really) needed a night like this.

So, let me show you my options for dinner. I ordered two different dishes. Kappa Maki as starter, and condimented tofu as the main dish. So delicious! 🙂

(sorry for the pics... the photos were taken with a phone) :(

Kappa Maki. Nori, rice, cucumber and black sesame served with wasabi and ginger.

Grilled tofu with vegetables.

Have I said everything was delicious? hehehe I think I’m fall in love with Japanese food! Healthy and vegan food! I really love it!

See you again soon!

the show must go on…

Señoras y señores… se nos acaba el 2011 y nos viene de frente el 2012.

No voy a caer en valoraciones sobre el año que se va y objetivos para el que entra…

Simplemente, os quiero desear un final de año cojonudo y una entrada de año mejor todavía, que el 2012 nos traiga muchas fuerzas para seguir luchando por aquello que creemos y que nos dé el ánimo suficiente para empezar cosas nuevas, para continuar aquellas que empezamos  y para hacer aquello que no pudimos en este año que se va.

Solo os informo que a partir de 2012, esté blog tendrá alguna sección nueva, alguna colaboración más estable y la misma ilusión con la que se empezó.


Ladies and gentlemen … 2011 ends and 2012 are coming.

I’m not going to fall in valuations over 2011 and objectives for the coming …

Just want to wish you a happy new year end and an inlet of the year even better, that 2012 will bring us much strength to keep fighting for what we believe and give us the mind to start new things, to continue those started and to do what we could this year to be.

Now you just informed that from 2012, this blog will have a new section, a more stable partnership and the same enthusiasm with which it began.