Category Archives: SIKA

little things.

Hello everybody!

How are you today?? We are very close to Friday! 🙂

These days are being so hard. Too much work in the office, and some other personal stuff that take up all my time.

Now, running is the best way to relax myself. My music, a way forward and me. That’s all. So, I went to run some miles after work.

These days I’m training for my next race. On Sunday October 28 will be held the 8th edition of “La Cursa de la Dona”, a race only for women. It’s a race celebrated in order to fight against the Breast Cancer.

The route – 6km – is through the beautiful streets of Barcelona and there are many women who participate in the race. It is much more than just a career.

Well, now i’d like to share with you what I ate today. Some people ask me about my meals and here are! As you can see, my meals are very easy to cook and my goal is to obtain all the necessary nutrients that my body needs. Remember; listen your body, eat clean and work hard.

As always, if you have any questions about any of the meals, do not hesitate to ask me! I’ll be happy to answer!

(In order of appearance: my lunch and my dinner.)

Have a nice day and see you soon!


in the middle of the week…

…and I’m full of energy!!

how are you today? 🙂

well, Tuesday afternoon wasn’t as I planned. I wanted to go to my first class of BodyPump, but when I arrived at gym the room was overcrowded and I couldn’t join myself to the class. Now, I know that the next time, I have to go 30minutes before the class starts! 😉

But, every cloud has a silver lining so, I went to the Fitness Room and this was my workout:

Not bad. 😉

More things! Do you know what day was y’day? Yes… Wednesday! The day of bloggers! hehehe I’d like to thank Jenn. Her amazing initiave offers the possibility to meet a lot of interesting bloggers!

Let’s starts with what I ate!


Lately, my breakfast is always the same. Overnight oatmeal with blueberries and almonds. This time, I added  a little of oat milk.

Mid-morning Snack

Here’s my snack. Diced tomato with chia seeds and almonds. Since I discovered Chia Seeds, I try to add to some meals. It’s an easy was to add healthy omega-3 oil to your diet.  Omega-3 oil is usually thought of as “that healthy stuff in fish”. Chia is the richest plant-source of this healthy oil. By weight, chia contains more omega 3 than salmon, and it still tastes like whatever you want! Omega 3 oil is important in heart and cholesterol health. 🙂


I had lunch at 2pm. The option for yesterday was Textured Protein Soy with Bell Peppers. All sauteed with soy sauce. And, some raw spinach as side.


2 Six-grain German bread slices with PB and cucumber. But, I’m sorry, I forgot to take any photo.


Well, that’s all!! 🙂


Hello everyone! I’m back from NYC! Actually, I went back last week, but I needed a few days to return completely to the routine. I spent a very pleasant days in NYC. Long walks, visits to museums, buildings, restaurants, parks … I … Continua llegint

September Goals

Good evening!

I wanted to update my blog with my September Goals before, but I couldn’t. But no problem, better late than never! 🙂

Here you are!

  • Mantain the good habits. As some of you know, I will be out on vacation during 10 days. Sometimes, it’s difficult to keep the rythm when you’re too far of your home, but I’m going to try to mantain the daily exercise.
  • Training for future races.  I thought to sign up for different races to be organized in the coming months near my town. And I’ll do it. 🙂 For that, I am aware that I have to work hard every day to get good results.
  • Lose at least 4lbs (2kg) by September 30th – Approx 1lb a week.
  • Go for a walk on the weekends. Minimum 3km/walk (1mile)

Enough? Yes, for me. I have to be realistic. I’ll be out for 10 days and I have to adapt my goals to my daily life.

Have you set goals for September?  I’d like to know!  🙂

Music Live Time!

Good evening!  I hope all is well on your side! ¡Buenos días! Espero que todo os vaya bien.

The last week, I won a ticket to go to a Rancid live concert. Normally, I’m not a lucky girl in raffles or something like that but this time, the ticket was mine! 🙂 I love live music shows and I’m happy with this prize! La semana pasada gané una entrada para ver a Rancid en concierto. Normalmente, no tengo mucha suerte en concursos o cosas por el estilo, pero esta vez tuve más surte! 🙂 Me encantan los conciertos! 

Today has been the day and I have gone there with my hubby. The show has lasted for 4 hours – there are 2 supporting bands before Rancid -, and I though that I could prepare my dinner at home for taking-away. Hoy ha sido el día y he ido con mi pareja. El concierto ha durado unas 4 horas en total – había 2 grupos como teloneros de Rancid-, y pensé que podría preparar mi cenar en casa para llevar y comer en el concierto.

So, I prepared something healthy and easy to eat there. This is an easy recipe using a few leftovers and some fresh veggies.  It tasted amazing, so I thought I’d share it with you. Wraps are very versatile and make a great lunchbox item for this kind of events. Así que preparé algo sano y fácil para comer allí. Me gustó mucho el resultado, así que he pensado en compartirlo con vosotros. Los wraps son muy versátiles y son una buena opción para llevar en este tipo de ocasiones.

(sorry for the picture – siento mucho la mala calidad de la foto!!)

Vegan Wrap!

  • 1 spinach grain wrap Wrap de Trigo y Espinacas
  • Hummus
  • Carrot strips Tiras de Zanahorias
  • Roasted Green Bell Pepper Pimiento Verde asado
  • Spinachs Espinacas Frescas
  • Cucumber slices Lonchas de Pepino
  • Roasted Mushrooms sliced into thin strips Champiñones cortados en tiras y asado

Spread the hummus over the entire wrap (use as much or as little as you like).  Add the bell pepper, carrots, spinachs,…  Roll it up and enjoy! Extiende el hummus por toda la tortilla (usa tanto como tu quieras). Añade el pimiento, las zanahorias, las espinacas,… Enróllalo y ¡disfruta!


Do you remember all the stuff that I bought at Bento&Co? There, I highlighted one of the items; the “Chips Maker“. Well,  with that, you can slice and cook potatoes and so that it turn out crisp and delicious, without using a drop of … Continua llegint