Category Archives: SIKA

First Picnic of the Year.

Hello everyone!

The good weather has arrived, and with that, the picnic time! 🙂 El buen tiempo ha llegado, y con ello, los picnics!

Today, my hubby had a photo trainning at Lomography Store in Barcelona, and my dog Nika and I have meet with him when he had finished. Hoy, mi pareja tenía un curso de fotografía en la tienda Lomography en Barcelona, y mi perrita Nika y yo nos hemos reunido con él cuando acabó.

Here, a few pics about our Japanese picnic of today. Aquí teneis algunas fotografías del picnic Japonés de hoy. 

Do you like picnics? 🙂

new stuff of Bento&co!

Yesterday, new stuff of Bento&co arrived! I love this online shop! I’m blissfully happy!!

Bento&Co is an online shop who sells beautiful bento boxes and accessories related to the Japanese lunch boxes in particular, but also everything we find fun and useful from Japan.

Well, some of you know my love for Japan. I love the streets, the temples, people… I don’t know …. I love all of Japan! I’m a Japan-addict!

At the beginning of July I ordered some new stuff. I had ordered some stuff before and I’m very happy with the shop.

Well, I’d better keep my mouth shut and I’m going to show you my new stuff!!

I can’t wait to use all the articles that I have bought!

This time, I want to highlight the homemade fat-free potato chips. I love it! With Chips Maker, you can slice and cook potatoes and so that it turn out crisp and delicious, without using a drop of added fat!

See you on the next post!! 

wiaw #11 return to normality!

Hello everybody!

How are you? Well, long time I haven’t joined to the Jenn’s party – WIAW! The last post I uploaded for the WIAW was in April! Now, I’m back! 🙂

I’m eager to join us -again-  in this amazing weekly food diary. And, as Jenn says… fun… food and Fitness! Well, I have fun, I have food and I’m going to start to do more exercise this month! I swear!

Well, let’s start!

Breakfast As always, I have breakfast at office. Mini-sandwich with handmade vegan tapenade (made with black olives and flaxseeds), cucumber and fresh spinach; orange juice, a tupper with watermelon and some almonds.

Lunch – In summer, I have working day with no break for lunch so as to finish earlier ; so I have to lunch at home later (15.30 – 16.00). In order to not have lunch too late, I cooked my lunch the night before. My menu for today: Gazpacho – a cold soup made from tomatoes, peppers, etc… – and brown rice with carrots, seitan and peas; with a touch of turmeric. 

Dinner – Although is summer, I like eating soups. I love soups! Some people thinks that soups are only for winter but I don’t think so. So, this is my today’s dinner. Vegetable soup as starter, and a vegan hot dog in my own style. 🙂 tofu’s sausage, tomato and fresh spinach. 

Well, that’s all. 🙂

Today I’ve received a package, a nice package from Japan. On the next post, I’m going to show you what it contains. I’m very excited to share with you!

Have a nice day! 


Hello everybody! I’m here again… As I told you in the last post, I’ve been out for a few days. I’ve been in Avila, is a Spanish city located in Castile and Leon. The city is notable for having complete medieval city … Continua llegint

July is here…

Is June seriously finish?! July has just arrived! I haven’t posted in a long time but it isn’t because I haven’t been cooking or photographing. But now, I’m free. No exams, no courses, only my job and my time. So, it’s possible that you might see me over here a little more. 😉

Well, I’m on vacation right now. Two weeks. And Monday morning – very, very, very early in the morning, I will travel to a village of central Spain to spend some time with my grandmother. I’ll be a very quiet and rural village, where I can disconnect from everything around me for a few days. But I won’t forget you.! On my return, I will report everything I’ve seen and eaten there. 😉

In the area where I will be, most people eat a lot of meat – they are great meat consumers. 😦 In previous visits, I could never eat in a restaurant. NEVER! It’s impossible eat there if you’re vegan. Really, it’s so sad. So, I always have a B-plan; I always carry food with me. I am as a portable pantry. hehehehe

And before I leave, I want to share with you my recipe of oat bars. I have used a very simple recipe, since I have a few things in the fridge (and in the kitchen).


Ingredients: (No quantities, I just put the ingredients in without measuring it)

  • Oat.
  • Pumpkin seeds.
  • Agave Syrup.
  • Vanilla essence.
  1. In a bowl we mixed the oat, the seed, the agave syrup and the vanilla essence. (however as you like).
  2. We put the mix in ovenproof dish (pic1 attached)
  3. Baking at 150ºC / 300ºF until edges are beginning to become golden
  4. We set aside cold during 3 hours and finally we cut it in rectangles.
  5. If u want, you can put liquid chocolate, carob cream or fruit jams in order to make the recipe more tasty! Put it in the fridge to solidify it… et voilà!

Random Thoughts #1

Hello everybody!

Long time no see you, but I had a lot of reasons (not excuses) to be absent. But I’m back!

A lot of things have happened since the last post, some personal issues, and sorry if I don’t explain them here. i have had sad and difficult moments, but seems that now it’s better. Hard moments make us stronger! 

Thanks to all who have written emails worrying about me! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!! 🙂

Now, I wanna share with you an annual event that makes me smile! Primavera Sound 2011.  Primavera Sound is an annual music festival which takes place in Barcelona in late May and, in some years, early June. (like this year). The festival is noted for its eclectic lineup, focus on independent music, and as a showcase for newly established international and domestic acts. The range of musical genres include alternative, indie, electronic, pop, hip hop, dance, folk, jazz, metal, and experimental music.

I have been the last years, and this year, more! I have an appointment with a lot of concerts, laughters and friends!

In the next posts, I shall explain it little by little the experience!
