Tag Archives: jean bouin

I’m back!

Bon dia a tothom!! Good morning everyone!

Fa temps que no actualitzava el blog, però m’he proposat tornar ja que tinc en ment un nou objectiu i m’agradaría compartir-lo amb vosaltres! Bé, abans de dir-vos quin objectiu és (que si em seguiu per Instagram o per Twitter, és possible que ja ho sapigueu!), us vull fer cinc cèntims de les últimes curses en les que vaig participar. Long time I didn’t update the blog, but I have a new goal and I wanna share it with you! Well, before telling which goal is (if you follow my IG and Twitter accounts, maybe you know it!), I want to write about the last races that I ran. 

Barcelona – Cursa de la Dona 2013. Segona vegada que participava en aquesta cursa. Tot i que no comparteixo els ideals dels patrocinadors (Central Lechera Asturiana), la cursa és per una bona causa. No és una cursa complicada, es sobretot per gaudir-la, i així va ser. La vaig gaudir molt. This was my second time that I ran this race. Althought I’m not agree with the aim of the main sponsor – a milk product brand -, the race is for a good reason – this Women’s Race collaborate with the Spanish Association Against Cancer. It’s not a hard race, the most important is enjoy, and I did it! 


Barcelona – 90º Jean Bouin. També era la segona vegada que hi participava. El primer cop va ser una experiència genial, ja que va ser la meva primera cursa de 10k, i tenia moltes ganes de tornar a fer-la. Aquest cop vaig tenir la oportunitat de compartir la cursa amb part de l’equip dels VeggieRunners. Reconec que no vaig preparar la cursa bé, i els resultats no van ser bons. Vaig trigar un minut més del meu millor temps, però bé… estic satisfeta. He de dir, que vaig millorar en 5 minuts la meva marca en aquesta cursa així que no em puc queixar. It was my second time, too. The 1st time was a great experience, it was my 1st 10k race, and I was very excited to run this race again. This time I shared the race with the VeggieRunners team. I have to admit that I didn’t train enough for this event. 

Vaig començar quasi bé 10 minuts més tard des de que va començar la cursa. Estava a l’últim calaix. Vaig començar força bé. Primers dos quilómetres a 5’30”, em trobava genial. Al quilómetre 3 vaig reduir una mica la marxa sense motiu, error meu. Vaig reprendre un ritme de 5’35” als km 5 i 6. Encara em sentia molt bé, no notava cansanci, les cames em responien molt bé. Però, finalment, la falta d’entrenament va sortir a la llum. El meu ritme es va fer més lent fins al km 10. No estic gens contenta dels últims quilómetres, però l’error va ser meu al no preparar correctament la carrera.

I started almost 10 minutes later from the start of the race. I was at the end. I started pretty well. First two km (5’30”) I felt great. At km3 I cut up a bit for no reason, my fault. I resumed at a rate of 5’35” at km 5 and 6 . I still felt great, it felt tiredness, my legs responded well. But finally, the lack of training came to light. My pace slowed to km10. I am not happy with my last kilometers, but my mistake was not to prepare properly the race.

Al final, vaig acabar la Jean Bouin en un temps de 00:59:44. Finally, my mark was 00:59:44


A la pestanya de MyRaces, podreu veure els temps oficials de les curses, així com les properes curses en les que participaré d’aquí a final d’any. Si us animeu a córrer en alguna d’elles, aviseu-me! 🙂 In MyRaces tab, you can see the official time of the races and the next races in which will participate by the end of the year. If you decide to run in any of them, tell me! 🙂

I ara sí, la notícia. (Potser a vosaltres no us sembla res de l’altre món, però per mi és un pas gegant!!) And now, the news. 

Ja estic inscrita a la Mitja Marató de Barcelona

Serà la meva primera Mitja Marató! Estic molt emocionada i perquè no dir-ho,… nerviosa! Per mi això ja son paraules majors! El proper dilluns començo amb un entrenament específic i per mantenir la motivació l’aniré penjant al blog i espero que em doneu consell!! 🙂

I am already registered on the Barcelona Half marathon!

It will be my first half marathon! I am very excited and why not say it, … scared! For me it is too much! On Monday I’m going to start with specific training and to keep my motivation I’ll share my trainings on the blog and I hope you give me advice! 🙂

I vosaltres, heu participat en una Mitja Marató? Quina?

And you, have you ever participated in a half marathon? Which one?

I’m in!

Yes! I’m in!

I could say that September is the beginning of my own “Season of Races“. A year ago I started to do races and a year after, it’s time to improve and beat my marks. Se podría decir que Septiembre es el inicio de mi “temporada de carreras”. Hace un año empecé a participar en carreras populares, y un año después, es el momento de mejorar y batir mis marcas.

So, I’m racing in September on the following races: (En Septiembre, participaré en las siguientes carreras populares)

Cursa Festa Major de Sabadell (7K) – 08/09/2013
Cursa de la Mercè 2013 (10K) – 15/08/2013

And, more motivation for November: (Y añado más motivación para Noviembre!)

Cursa de la Dona 2013 (6K) – 10/11/2013

I’m awaiting from another races in November (Jean Bouin), but the prior registration is not opened yet. And, I would like to run another in October! Let’s see! 🙂 Estoy esperando a que salgan nuevas fechas en Noviembre, pero el período de inscripción no está abierto a día de hoy. Además, me gustaría poder correr alguna otra carrera en Octubre. ¡Ya veremos!

Lately I’m training a little bit more and on a smarter way in order to get my goals. I’m pretty proud of the results, but I’m aware that still there is a long way to do. Últimamente, estoy entrenando algo más y creo que, de manera más inteligente con el fin de conseguir mis objetivos. Estoy bastante contenta de los resultados, pero todavía queda mucho por hacer. 

And you, are you in?

89 Jean Bouin – 10K

Hello everybody!

I’m here again to share with you my last run!. It was the 89 Jean Bouin race what was celebrated in Barcelona.

My expectations were very normal and modest. It was the first time I ran 10K, so I wanted to finish the race in a worthy way, either running or walking.

I started in the green box and it took me almost 10 minutes to start, I seized this time to  continue my warm-up exercises. Finally, I began at 09h10m.
I kept a steady pace throughout the race, which allowed me to do my 10k in one go, in a good and satisfactory way.
The route was fairly flat until about km.8. In km9, the route had a 40º gradient but it wasn’t so hard as I thought.

My goal, at first, being a rookie in the running, was to finish the race in 1h: 15m at most, whether walking or running.
Result: I ran the 10k with no stops, my physical condition was excellent and I finished in 1h05m.

My goal achieved!
And now, thinking about breaking my time in December!

See you soon!!