Category Archives: SIKA

weekend has arrived!

Hello to everybody! 🙂

Are you ready for the weekend? I am!

This weekend will be very special for me. While you are reading this, a bus is carrying me (and other 3 friends) to Madrid in order to participate in the International Day of Animal Rights. This event is organized by Igualdad Animal (Animal Equality)

*This is a video from 2011. The act is repeated every year.

We will meet there to show society the consequences of speciesism. All bodies were animals one day, like all of us, just wanted to live their lives. But speciesism would not allow it. The discrimination suffered by not being born would not let humans.

We’ll seize this weekend in Madrid to visit the city, meet friends and visit lovely vegan places.

When I get home, I will show how was the weekend!

Smile and… Go vegan!


Hello friends!

How are you today?? Here in Catalonia, this week is shorter because Thursday is holiday and some people will seize to make a long weekend. Not me! I’ll work on Friday and it’ll be when I’ll share with you my weekend plans. 😛

Up to then, I wanna share with you the following things!

  • I’m training for my next two runs. The first will be the 26th December. It’ll be 10K and the route is mostly on dirt road. My goal for this run is to break my mark on 10K. The second one is the 31st December. Only 5K, but it will be a great way to finish the year.
  • Here’s some meals I have cooked the last days and I wanna share with you. (when I get home I’ll edit the pics!)


roasted sprouts and pumpkin. whole wheat taggliatelle with seaweed.






I know that this post is very, very short, but I can promise that the next ones it’ll be better! I promise!

Have a nice day!!


89 Jean Bouin – 10K

Hello everybody!

I’m here again to share with you my last run!. It was the 89 Jean Bouin race what was celebrated in Barcelona.

My expectations were very normal and modest. It was the first time I ran 10K, so I wanted to finish the race in a worthy way, either running or walking.

I started in the green box and it took me almost 10 minutes to start, I seized this time to  continue my warm-up exercises. Finally, I began at 09h10m.
I kept a steady pace throughout the race, which allowed me to do my 10k in one go, in a good and satisfactory way.
The route was fairly flat until about km.8. In km9, the route had a 40º gradient but it wasn’t so hard as I thought.

My goal, at first, being a rookie in the running, was to finish the race in 1h: 15m at most, whether walking or running.
Result: I ran the 10k with no stops, my physical condition was excellent and I finished in 1h05m.

My goal achieved!
And now, thinking about breaking my time in December!

See you soon!!



running in the rain

Good morning friends!

How was you week? Mine’s good, but listen… week isn’t still finished! We have all the weekend ahead!

Tomorrow I’m going to go to my second run as I told you here. I’m very excited and I hope we’ll have a run without rain!

Rest assured that I will explain that this was the run! 🙂

Apart from this, I want to share with you some changes in my lifestyle. Do you prepare your meals in advance? I do, and it’s one of the best things I could do. Why? Really simple. Food prep is fantastic. Prep once, and eat healthy all week! For me, Sunday means Food Prep Day, and it is worth to spend 2 hours on a Sunday planning and prepping most of my meals to be organized for the week.  Not only does this preparation help me to stick to a clean diet, but it also helps me mentally.  I honestly feel anxious or a bit stressed when I do not pack or forget my lunch and have to rely on the restaurant for my food.  This is from both a financial and clean eating perspective.

I often leave my house between 7 AM and 8 AM and do not return until sometimes 6 PM at night, and so I know that preparing food in advance is a must and when I break it down into manageable components, it doesn’t seem so ominous.

being prepared helps you to not make unhealthy decisions during the day! it may take a little more work, but the benifits are priceless!! It is possible to eat clean anywhere you go, fit friends! you just have to be prepared!!
So, let me share with you some of my meals!

See you soon!! 🙂

end of the weekend!

Hello everybody!

I hope your weekend was going great!

In the past two weeks, my running workouts were not too good. My mood was not the best, and my body was more tired, and therefore, my results were worse.

But this weekend was diferent. My mentality was different. No pressure. Less distance. No need to run faster, just need to run. On Saturday, I ran the same route I did last week and my record has improved somewhat. And the same on Sunday. Not a big win, I know … but it is a step forward. 😉

Well, let’s go! Today I wanna share with my yesterday lunch. I’m very proud of the result. (sorry for the pic. taken by phone)

A very easy recipe to cook with an amazing flavor. The soft touch of the spices is the best thing. And, I served the rice with a serving of steamed green beans (I prepared them in a bamboo container – medium heat). Carbs, protein and greens; a perfect meal. 🙂

As always, if you need/want the recipe, don’t hesitate to contact me!

See you soon! 🙂

Autumn Goals!

Hi! How are you today??

I’m here again to share with you my october goals! I know that we are in the middle of October, but never is too late to do it!

But, before showing my goals, I’d like to check my September goals.

September Goals

  • Mantain the good habits. –> Happy! I did it! It’s a lifestyle, hard but easy to keep it on.
  • Training for future races.  –> I participated in my first race at the end of September and I’m training for my second race at the end of October.
  • Lose at least 4lbs (2kg) by September 30th – Approx 1lb a week. Done! I’m on the right way!
  • Go for a walk on the weekends. Minimum 3km/walk (1mile) –> Not at all, but I did some walks after work.

Well, time for my autumn goals!

  • Sleep! –> need rest for muscle growth, in bed by 11pm-11:30pm on weeknights!
  • Water Intake! –> Increase greatly, at least 10 cups per day.
  • Clean Eating –> Stick to it, no cheats until the last weekend of November! (do better batch cooking/prep!)
  • Calculations –> Count calories, fat, sugar, carbs, protein on MyfitnessPal
  • Weights –> Lift heavy with low reps! (5-6 days per week)
  • Cardio –> 4 days per week at least!

What are yours?